Exercise of the Week Weekly Workout

Ad Break Workout

Add Fitness into your TV time!

We all get stuck after work or during the holidays watching TV and most of the time something that is not actually worth watching. To break things up and most of all get you moving, why not try some simple exercises through the ad breaks that can be done in your own lounge room.

You will be surprised how much you can do on your couch or in your lounge area without using any equipment.

Most ad breaks last about 2-4mins, so instead of getting up and getting a snack or not moving at all, as soon as the commercials come on during the show,  jump up and use the ads as a timer and follow the simple exercises we have provided below.

To get the blood pumping through your whole body we have selected a variety of upper, lower and core exercises which will give you a total body workout in small burst then you can rest while your show comes back on.

Doesn’t sound hard does it? Through an hour long show you may get up to 20 minutes of ad breaks so use it wisely. In the long run it is better than doing nothing at all. We all need to be a little more active so don’t use watching your favourite TV show as an excuse, use it as a workout!

Get your kids involved! If you have children who watch a lot of TV why not use this as a fun way to them moving and they still get to watch their show!

In the end it’s not rocket science to know we have to have more exercise in our life and it doesn’t take much to get off your couch for a couple of minutes and move!



– complete as many sets you can until ads are over


10 x Push Ups
10 x Squats
10 x Star Jumps

 > Back to watching The Shire (You know you love it)


10 x Sit ups
10 x Chair Dips
20 x High Knees

 > Back to watching Home & Away


50 x Air Punches
30 Sec Hold Squat
Prone Hold until ads are over

 > Back to watching Big Brother


Jogging the on Spot – As Ads change, swap between high knees, butt kicks & fast feet

 > Back to watching Big Bang Theory Repeats


Challenge: Try Hold a V-Sit for the entire break!

There you have it, some simple exercises you can include between your shows, you can only benefit from giving it a go!

MaxNRG Personal Training is a mobile personal trainer company in Melbourne, VICTORIA. All our fitness trainers are highly qualified and are the types of trainers who are willing to go above and beyond to be excellent and truly help people reach their fitness and exercise goals. Our goal is provide the best mobile personal training services available anywhere in Melbourne.

To learn more about how we can help you reach your fitness and health goals, contact us here or call 0403-741-278 and a member of our personal training team will discuss how we can provide the best possible support for you to succeed.