Exercise of the Week

Bicep Curl and Hammer Curl – Exercise of the Week

Bicep Curls / Hammer Curls – Exercise of the Week

Bicep Curl

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing upwards (supine)and holding each weight by your sides
  • Stand with your legs roughly shoulder width apart
  • Bring your arms up one at a time and in towards your body by bending at the elbow, keeping your elbows tucked into your side at all times
  • Once you are as far as you can go slowly lower them back to the starting position and alternate with the other arm
  • Do not swing body whilst trying to lift the weights, and keep your palms in the supine position for the entire movement

Hammer Curl

The hammer curl is very similar to the bicep curl, but works your forearm more than the bicep curl does.  The hammer curl exercise also targets the Brachioradialis muscle (which is located in your forearm) as well as Biceps Brachii. To perform the hammer curl your hand positioning varies to the bicep curl.

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand by your side with your palms facing each other in what is called a neutral grip
  • Stand with your legs roughly shoulder width apart
  • Bring your arms up one at a time and in towards your body by bending at the elbow, keeping your elbows tucked into your side at all times
  • Once you are as far as you can go slowly lower them back to the starting position and alternate with the other arm
  • Do not swing body whilst trying to lift the weights and for the entire movement keep palms in the neutral position

For more arm exercises and other great workouts, visit the ‘MaxNRG Exercise of the Week‘ page or check out or Exercise Video Library