Exercise of the Week

Decline Dumbbell Flyes – Exercise of the Week

Decline Dumbbell Flyes – Exercise of the Week

  • Find a bench that has a slight decline of around 30 degrees
  • Lie down on the bench on your back, holding a set of dumbbells in line with your lower chest
  • Keep your abs braced and be sure not to arch your lower back
  • Hold the dumbbells so that your palms are facing inwards (towards each other) and the weights are together above your chest
  • Slowly lower your arms down and out with a slight bend in your arms (as if you were trying to hug a big tree)
  • Squeeze the muscles in your chest together bringing the weights back to the original starting position above your chest

For more bench press variations and other great chest exercises, visit the ‘MaxNRG Exercise of the Week‘ page or check out or Exercise Video Library